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Charlie Bears


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is an 11" warm brown plush bear.
She has an burnt orange hand-embroidered nose
and beige paw pads.
She is 5-way jointed.
Tatty wears an orange organza neck bow.
Designed by New Zealand bear artist Heather Lyell.

Year of Release: 2014
Tatty is a Show Special,
originally available only as a QVC-UK Exclusive.

RRP $51.95

For "in the fur" photos of Tatty,
check out the Bears Against MS Dropbox files.
For a link to our Dropbox files, please email us
using the "Email Me" link at the bottom of the left side panel.

To order Tatty, email us at

Return to the Main Charlie Bears Plush Page

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Click the photo to the left to see
all of the Plush Charlie Bears Collection

Click here to go to the 2011 Non-U.K. Mohair Collection page

Click the photo to the left to see
all of the Mohair Isabelle Collection
Click the photo to the left to see
the Mohair Minimo Collection
Click here for the Retired Plush Reference Pages
Click the photo to the left
to go to the Retired Plush Reference Pages
Retired Mohair Bears
Click the photo to the left
to go to the Retired Mohair Reference Pages

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